North America

Kamal Haasan

Narpani Iyakkam

A 501(c)(3) General Charitable Organization registered as North America Kamal Haasan Welfare Association (Tax ID: 88-2508438).

Join us in the exciting journey of social welfare.

Come, let us seek and solve.

நற்பணியாற்ற உங்களை பணிவன்புடன் அழைக்கின்றோம்.

தேடித் தீர்ப்போம் வா!

Charity improves self-esteem, self-worth and improves your well-being.

Donating our time, effort, ideas and funds is a selfless act. Joining North America Kamal Haasan Narpani Iyakkam is a great opportunity for you to seek and solve issues, and make a good deed to the needy!